Are you experiencing a C:32:60 lens error or focus problem? If you are experiencing a C:32:60 lens error, can't focus, or are hearing abnormal noises coming from your Sony camcorder then this article may help. This workaround should help you get through your last shoot. It’s not intended to fix your camcorder, its only intended [...]
Sony HDR-FX7 Loading Problem Error Code C 32:11
This video goes over loading problems with your Sony HDR-FX7 camcorder, including problems with the tape not loading down or the cassette housing not latching. We also go over errors such as reattach the power source and C:32:11.
Sony HVR-V1u Won’t Load Tape Error Code C 32:11
Are you having problems loading the tape on your Sony HVR-V1u Sony camcorder. The camcorder may be going into an error code such as C:32:11. The camcorder may be prompting you to "Re-attach the power source". We are experts on this model camcorder and in this video we go over this exact problem. If you [...]
Mic Holder Broken Sony Camcorder – Step By Step Replacement Instructions
Is the mic holder on you camcorder loose or broken? No need to send it in for repair, you can easy replace it yourself. Step by Step instructions by an Sony repair technician make this process easy. Give us a call to order a new Sony genuine mic holder or order a new mic holder [...]
Sony HDR-FX1000 Lens Error C:32:60 E:62:10 Video
Lens problems with the Sony HDR FX1000 camcorder can manifest in many ways. Most commonly a C 32:60 or E 62:10 lens error message will display. The camcorder may not be focusing properly, not zooming in and out, and there may even be abnormal noises coming from the lens area of the video camera. This [...]
Sony HDR-FX1000 Mechanical Problems
Are you having mechanical problems with your Sony HDR-FX1000 camcorder? Here is an informative video going over mechanical tape transport problems. When your camcorder is experiencing mechanical issues it may be going into an error code such as C:32:23 or C:32:22. The camcorder may also be displacing a "Tape is locked - Check the Tab" [...]
Sony HDR-FX1000 Loading Error C:32:11
Are you having problems loading a cassette tape in your Sony HDR FX1000 camcorder? Here is an informative video going over this problem. When your camcorder will not load a tape or if the tape is stuck in the camcorder it may be going into a loading error such as C:32:11 or C:31:11. The tape [...]
Sony Camcorder Video Camera Error Codes
Is your Sony video camera giving you an error code. This article goes over the different error codes and what they mean. We go over how to reset your camcorder to determine if the camcorder is in need of repair.
Safely Connect Your Firewire Cable To Your Camcorder To Avoid Service or Repair
Avoiding An Unnecessary Repair- Must Read Article Before Connecting The Firewire Cable Of Your Sony or Canon Camcorder up to the Computer We receive a large number of Sony and Canon video cameras in for service due to the camcorder not communicating or connecting to the computer. There are easy steps you can take when hooking [...]
Sony C 32:60 Lens Error
There are few things as frustrating as being in the middle of a shoot and then being thwarted by an error code. If you turn on your Sony camcorder and see a C:32:60 error message, you are probably wondering what it is and how to correct it. We often see this in Sony HXR-NX5U, Sony [...]